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ApplianceVM is optimized and bundled server hardware and DocVM software, which functions as the central hub where all data inputs from multiple systems come into the server and then get outputted to desktop and mobile, Apps or Web-clients as depicted below:


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ApplianceVM stores multiple Workflows (Quad Screens) and maps data from multiple systems into each respective Workflow.  The Workflows, mapped by ApplianceVM and then outputted as Apps or Web-clients, are the Quad Screens that become integral components of CoreVM, DesktopVM and MobileVM. The Administrative Console that controls access rights for Workflows is also part of ApplianceVM. ApplianceVM is also where Virtualized Desktops are stored, administered and distributed. The attributes and components of ApplianceVM are as follows:


  • Field Thesaurus Engine – Fields from different systems can have different names for the same data. For example one system can call a company an “Account,” and another can call it an “Organization,” while yet another can call it a “Corporation” yet they are all synonyms for company. The Field Thesaurus Engine logs all these synonyms for company, to normalize and standardize different data sets into Quad Screen Workflows where multiple systems must function as one.


  • Virtualization Engine – ApplianceVM also contains a Desktop Virtualization engine where Virtual Machines (VM) are stored, administered and distributed.



  • Pixel Streaming Engine – Integrated with the Virtualization Engine is a Pixel Streaming engine that optimizes and shapes Pixel Streams, to deliver high quality screens to multiple different devices.


  • Quad Screen Workflows – ApplianceVM stores multiple Quad Screen Workflows along with all the input systems and output screens for each respective Workflow.



  • Administrative Console – Access rights, active directory and privileges for all users are all functions of the Admin Console.


  • Integration Engine – ApplianceVM integrates DesktopVM/MobileVM and CoreVM all together.

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